My Internet Notebook

a journal on software, mobile, marketing

Archive for February, 2006

Mashup of Business Models

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The latest issue of Business 2.o again has a good article on startup – Startup Last, Finish First.

The concept of second mover advantage isn’t that intriguing. But the mentioning of a startup called PeerFlix is pretty interesting. They basically took the business models that work, at ebay and netflix respectively, to come up with the idea for a DVD exchange site. That in essence is the mash-up of working business models. (we have seen enough mash-up from the media content, technology side.)

So I guess everyone needs to take a harder look at the business models of established players, there might be something you can learn and mashup from the big guys.

Written by Y.

February 1st, 2006 at 1:46 am

Posted in Business,Internet