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Archive for the ‘AvantGo Tips’ Category

Secure M-Business Anywhere Sync Server

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To enable SSL on sync server on Linux, you need to run the utility avantgoserver/openssl/bin/ to generate a cert request. VeriSign then issues a cert per request. You put three certs in a single file in this directory avantgoserver/conf in the right order. Remember that the order is very important as it won’t work if the order is incorrect.

SSLLoadLocalIdentity: Public/Private keys don't match!
createMasterContext: SSLLoadLocalIdentity returned -6981
(2156) error: Security Error: There was an error loading your RSA certificate: SSLBadParameterErr (-6981)

The order of various certificates in the final cert file:

VeriSign Intermediate CA Certificate
VeriSign Signed Certificate
Your Private Certificate

Written by Y.

January 26th, 2006 at 4:25 pm

Posted in AvantGo Tips,Testing

Binary File Distribution in Mobile Apps

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iAnywhere’s M-Business Server has a great feature to allow you to distribute binary files to mobile devices such as PocketPC, Palm and Symbian smartphones. This means that you can have a centralized upgrade management function, which is very useful to enterprise mobile applications.

Checkout for latest document on how to set binary file distribution up. By default. all binary files will be placed in the AvantGo\pods directory on the device. But if you want files to be copied to other locations. There are two easy ways to do it:

If you have only one or two files, the easiest way to do it in M-Bus server is to use meta tag to specify a location to copy a specific binary files, such as this example: <meta name=”x-avantgo-download-location” content=”mysample.exe,%AG_STARTMENU%”> , where %AG_STARTMENU% translates to Windows\Programs on PocketPC. Note that you still need to specify the link in your html body <a

The second method is to boundle a lot of files in a CAB file and distribute it through M-Business Server. M-Business client will automatically launch the CAB file once it is downloaded to your device. By the way, you can use the Cab Wizward tool (cabwiz.exe) in Visual Studio 2003 to create CAB files. Here is a tutorial on creating cab files.

Written by Y.

April 8th, 2005 at 5:59 pm